1. Tokyo
What is special about this city of Japan? It is special, because there we can find many different things: amazing design, classical Japanese culture and traditions, western culture, various races and nationalities. But that’s isn’t all – nightlife, city lights, small islands, it is reasons, why we must to find out the Tokyo.

2. Las Vegas
Most people say that, Las Vegas is one of the most amazing places in the world. It is not difficult to understand why Las Vegas is one of the most amazing cities in the world – there we can find a lot of luxury, beauty, attractions and surprises. In our opinion, Las Vegas is and ideal decision and for GTA.

3. Miami
As we know, Miami is 42nd city by area in USA. Here you can find beautiful beaches, luxury hotels. Also, you can swimming in water or have a ride through streets of luxurious city in excellent car. This all, that you need for GTA. And if in the game we will must do various missions in the water, then Miami is good decision for GTA 6.

4. Paris
Paris is a city, that has a lot of fans. So, if the GTA 6 will take place in this city, thousands of people will be happy, that they can enjoy a panorama of Paris. In such case, perhaps some missions will takes place at the famous Eiffel Tower.


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